Monday, March 23, 2015

Farm Island

Date: Sunday March 22, 2015
Time: 12:00pm CDT
Location: Farm Island
Temperature: 45°F
Wind: ~15mph
Skies: altocumulus

I took a long walk on Farm Island on this early spring day. The cardinals were particularly active vocalizers. I saw or heard chickadees, nuthatches, juncos, flicker, a red wing blackbird, and many robins way at the end of the island. They are still in first wave formation, not spreading out to their territories yet.

I also came upon an unbeknownst to me wetland with hundreds of ducks. When I was approaching it, I heard what I thought at first were chorus frogs. Even though the sound wasn't quite right for a chorus frog, I didn't know what else it could be as it was obvious there were a lot of whatever it was. I finally got close enough to see through the brush to a good sized area full of all kinds of ducks.

I didn't have my binoculars so I couldn't get a good view but I saw coots among them.

I also saw an adult bald eagle.

The video offers some bird sounds (chickadees and cardinals) as well as a view of the terrain in early spring. I come back from these rambles with a lot of burrs and grass in my shoes and pants.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

La Framboise Island

Birds are very active on La Framboise: Cardinals, robins, waxwings,  downy woodpeckers.
Date: March 14 2015
Time: 3:25pm
Temp: 70°
Wind: 15-20mph
Skies: altocumulus

This male robin was eating berries off the cedar tree.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


I'm in Chicago for GLOBE meetings. The walk between the hotel and the meeting room is about a mile, so I get a nice walk to and from each day. Even though I am walking along the Chicago River (a very developed and unnatural riparian area) I have yet to hear or see a robin.

I have seen sparrows, a crow and ducks, and I have heard a cardinal in the park across from where we are meeting but I have yet to see or hear a robin.

I hear it's in the 60's back in Pierre. I can only surmise that the robins are really active and I'm not there to see them.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Male Robin

Date: Thursday March 5, 2915
Time: 5:59pm CST
Location: South Dakota Discovery Center parking lot (James and Sioux Ave)
Temp: 44°F
Skies: Clear
Wind: 5mph

I heard a male robin yesterday. He was vocalizing the "peek and tut" call. As with most birding, I heard him before I saw him. We are in for a week of warmer weather so I anticipate that the robins will really be moving out. Unfortunately, I will be in Chicago. It will be interesting to see what they are doing there.